

Product name: SecuriCal

MIC - Israel MIC - Israel

An advanced technological system for the management and control of budgets in real time. The system enables producing accounts based on attendance reporting and within a click of a button and receive in real time a status report of all security guards in the municipality as well as budget control. The system is a part of a wide selection of services Mashcal provides to all local authorities without any additional cost.

System specifications:

  • Overall security services budget control and management
  • Executive application including security guards’ attendance status
  • Attendance application including security guards’ location
  • Creating an account within a click of button

System benefits:

  • Financial saving – producing reliable accounts based on actual security hours reported in real time
  • Digital approval of accounts – online tracking of accounts
  • Control and monitoring of all reporting of security hours including schools’ city facilities, events, patrolling and additional security services provides by Mashcal
  • Tightening operational control – real time status of every security guard at any post

Managing security with Mashcal is easy!!


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